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Comparison betweenThe New You!” Book and “A Poem with Your Name” Book :

     Both of these books were written by indonesians. This books also published at the same town and the same year at Jakarta at 2018. We can easly find both of these books in the bookstore. The first book by Winda Mansur, and the second book by Adi K. Both of these books also use images inside the book.
    This type of books pretty different. First book talks about motivation from author life experience, but the second book is a book filled with author love poems. The price of these books is not very different, but Winda Mansur’s book is more expensive about Rp. 3.000 than Adi K’s book. “The New You” is more thicker than “A Poem with Your Name”. Besides that Adi k’s book is using heavy paper material for the cover, while Winda Mansur’s book wasn’t use it.
     In conclusion, even though this books have a lot of differences and similiarities. Depens on the taste. Some readers likes poem. Some readers doesn’t, and the other way around.



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